
Your Best Life



The Your Best Life Program includes:

  • a personal assessment to create clarity around your current and ideal situations
  • 1 x 30 minute 1:1 telephone coaching session before the program starts to set your goals, intentions and Vision in motion
  • 12 group teleconference (phone) check-ins to gain new tools for success, report on your results, celebrate your journey, and course correct as required
  • 1 x 30 minute mid-year 1:1 telephone coaching session to ensure you’re on track and revisit your intentions and Vision
  • ongoing support from program participants
  • a maximum of 20 people per group to maximize effectiveness

Unlike many other programs, this program runs for a full year to help you remain focused on living your great life, developing new habits, and taking action.  Your opportunity for success is greatly enhanced through support, encouragement, and course correction over the long term.